Criollo Grass Fed Beef
Kobe Quality
Call The Jandal Ranch

Why are so many products Out of Stock?

You have probably noticed that many of our Criollo Beef products are "temporarily out of stock".  Why is this?  

One of the charms of our Grass Fed Criollo Beef is that it cannot be harvested year around. Not only does the animal have to be ready for harvest, but we also want the animal to be "finished" on "green grass". Therefore, when our first frost arrives, and our pastures turn brown, we can no longer harvest until we get the green winter grasses and forbs growing in our pastures. First frost is around the middle of November, and our winter grasses and forbs usually pop up around the middle of January, depending on our rainfall.

This means we literally start "running out of Criollo Beef" until the middle to end of February each year (1 month of green grass for our harvested animals). Not to worry, we will be fully stocked again for the late winter and early spring! 

We understand your disappointment, but this is the only way we can assure you, our customer, the consistent, delicious qualities you have come to expect from our Criollo Grassfed Beef. 

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